Thursday, January 21, 2010

San Diego Explained: Medical Marijuana

Posted: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:45 am
Not quite sure what's going on with all of the discussions about medical marijuana in San Diego?
We try to bring you up to speed in the latest edition of San Diego Explained, our effort with NBC 7/39.
I absolutely love this. There are so many issues that rage in the community. Each one of them has a set of facts -- context that is largely uncontroversial. But they often get lost in the back and forth or the latest breaking tidbit. If you understand what's going on, you can better consume updates about it and you can participate in the debate going forward. That's the goal behind this: Get everyone up to speed on some very complex local issues.
Do you have something you want explained better? Drop me a line at
Here's our latest on medical marijuana:

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