Use of Orthodox Holy
And More on Communion for Patients
ROME, NOV. 20, 2012 ( Answered
by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the
Regina Apostolorum university.
Q: I am a Roman Catholic priest who serves as a chaplain in a
state penitentiary. Security protocols require a gate clearance for all
liturgical items, including sacramental wine, books, hosts, vessels, etc. I
have had to leave such items at the gate or be denied entry into the facility
when either a gate clearance has not been issued or cannot be found. The chief
chaplain is an Orthodox priest who keeps the holy oils in his office. The
situation has only arisen once where a Catholic in the infirmary requested
anointing of the sick but was hospitalized outside the facility before I could
get to tend to him. As a rule I do not
bring my oils into the facility as there is neither general need nor a gate
clearance. The metal container sets off the security alarm in any case.
Bringing (smuggling) materials into the prison without a gate clearance would
result in a reprimand at least and probable dismissal. May I make use of the
Orthodox sacramental oils to anoint a Catholic inmate? Just to clarify, access
to vegetable oil (olive or other) would be quite difficult as those items are
restricted to the dining hall and kitchen during their operating hours and kept
under secure lock at all other times. Perhaps the best solution is to arrange
to keep a set of holy oils in the chaplain's office but the metal container
could remain an issue. -- W.S., Pennsylvania
A: There are several points to address. As the priest mentioned,
the best solution would be to keep the holy oils available in the chaplain's
office. If a metal container is an insurmountable problem, then perhaps a
container made of glass, ceramic or some other suitable material would be permitted.
It might be possible to have the metal container cleared on a
once-off basis and bring in fresh oil each year in another vessel to replenish
If this is not feasible, then it is possible to use the holy oils
stored by the Orthodox priest.
The principle involved is the mutual recognition of sacraments.
The Catholic Church recognizes the validity of all sacraments performed by the
Orthodox Churches. Thus it recognizes as valid sacramental matter the oil of
the sick duly blessed by an Orthodox bishop.
This is also confirmed by the Ecumenical Directory which allows
Catholics in an emergency to validly and licitly receive the sacraments of
penance, anointing of the sick, and Communion from an Orthodox priest.
Thus if a Catholic prisoner needed these sacraments in an
emergency, and the Catholic chaplain were not available, the Orthodox chaplain
could attend him.
In principle the reverse would also be true for an Orthodox
prisoner and the Catholic chaplain. However, in this case the Catholic chaplain
should verify the practice ahead of time with the Orthodox chaplain, since the
laws regarding the sharing of sacraments may vary among different Churches.
* * *
Follow-up: Communion Through a Feeding Tube
Pursuant to our comments regarding the possibility of receiving
Communion through a feeding tube (see Nov. 6) a reader asked
about a case where a hospital patient could not ingest the host: "Could an
extraordinary minister of holy Communion bless them with the holy Eucharist
instead, or is that seen as Benediction and only to be done by a priest?"
The rites for the pastoral care of the sick only foresee the
possibility of a priest or deacon blessing a sick person with the Blessed
In the rite for visits to the sick in ordinary circumstances the
rubrics say:
"No. 91 [After distributing Communion] The priest or deacon
blesses the sick person and the others present…. If, however, any of the blessed
sacrament remains, he may bless the sick person by making a sign of the cross
with the blessed sacrament, in silence."
In referring to hospital visits where Communion is brought to many
rooms, a briefer rite is observed in which the blessing is omitted (Nos.
The above cases foresee the blessing in addition to, but not as a
substitute to, holy Communion. If, however, a patient is physically unable to
receive the Eucharist, I believe it is compatible with the mind of the
legislator for a priest or deacon to offer some spiritual comfort by blessing
the person with the pyx.
An extraordinary minister of holy Communion would not have that
possibility since Eucharistic blessings are reserved to the ordained. He or she
could still visit the sick person with the Blessed Sacrament, place it on the
prepared table as if coming to give Communion, and accompany the patient for a
period of prayer, adoration and spiritual communion before moving on to the
next room.
This procedure is not specifically foreseen in the rites, but I
believe it falls within the bounds of the relevant liturgical law.
* * *
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only answer a small selection of the great number of questions that arrive.